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Title Saved my skin!
Posted by bxlindab33 (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-12-30 08:43:51
  • Recommend 11 Recommend
  • Views 1008

I had an episode where I damaged my skin barrier this winter from using a strong chemical exfoliator. My skin is usually dry and dehydrated but it became extremely dry and painful, to the point where a lot of the heavy creams I usually used weren't cutting it. I've never tried Elizavecca products and there were barely any reviews on this, so I bought this on a whim since It looked thicker than my past creams. It says mask but I use it mainly as a face cream twice a day, and it honestly saved my skin! I saw my skin go back to normal within a week and I've been using it daily for the past 2 months.

It has an indescribable scent which isn't bad at all, scentless but not quite? The texture is thick, stringy, and gooey so it takes a bit of time for it to seep in. Once it does, my face feels and looks extremely moist and I wake up to supple skin the next day. It honestly works fine under my makeup too in my daytime routine. Other than suppleness I haven't noticed anything else with this cream. If you have dry skin this might be what you're looking for this winter, a little goes a long way!

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  • cieleti5 2017-01-28 00:31:45 5points
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    Spam No podria poner las manos al fuego y decir que es la mejor crema que he probado en mi vida, porque me falta probar un monton aun, pero debo decir que me ha salvado de la resequedad que estaba teniendo en la piel de mi cara. Producto del clima caluroso y seco de donde vivo, mi piel habia comenzado a agrietarse y a formar pequeñas heridas alrededor de las mejillas, pero esta crema llego para salvarme e hidratarme. Puedo decir que a pesar de poner una capa delgada por las noches, por las mañanas despierto con la cara totalmente suave y resplandeciente. Tambien suelo usarla en combinación con mi bb cream cover & bright fit de Etude House, que odio por el acabado que deja por si sola, para hacerla mas suave y con acabado aterciopelado natural. En fin, si es que no encuentro otra crema mejor, creo que seguire con esta hasta que me canse :)
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