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Title Never believed this would work... let's stock up!!!
Posted by user3260 (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-11-12 02:14:23
  • Recommend 81 Recommend
  • Views 1024

This is my review from my first purchase when I bought only 1 ;)

With an update + tip!

COSRX - Acne Pimple Master Patch - 24 patches

I've heard so many talk about these and read such great good reviews, I had to try it!

The patches are 3 times sealed to protect against bacteria.

I had this big deep hormonal breakout on my chin, TMI: already tried to kill it on Thursday, now it had a small crust but with red swollen skin around it.

So I thought let's see if the big sized patch can fight this monster and win.

Saturday I applied the patch before bedtime on a dry washed face. Then did my regular skincare routine and when to bed.

The next morning... WHAT!

TMI: The patch (12mm) was covered and swollen with 8mm of white stuff. My breakout was still there but +/- 50% less red and 50% less swollen.


So last night I thought let's do this trick again!

Today my breakout is only a small crust, 0% red 0% swollen!

Tonight I will apply my Ciracle Red spot cream on this crust, since that stuff works miracles to speed up healing crusts and scars.

UPDATE 11-11-2016

Our face is not flat so sometimes patches will not easily stick to your face. One day I woke up and my patch was missing.

Total panic, no where to be found... okey lets live teh day... then in the evening I found it on my shoulder xD

Luckiy my shoulder was covered during the day, but this is seriously not something you want happening to you.

my TIP for you

Get yourself some adhesive plaster (for sensitive skin),

These type of tape are often used to stick gauze to your skin when you have a wound or something.

Language barrier, I have a picture of which tape I mean ;) Link.

Apply your patch and then stick this tape on top of it, leaving 5mm on both end to ensure it stays put!

No more missing patches! :D

I hope you find this review helpful,

I'll buy these soon again and remember to takes pictures for a blogpost ;)


Marjolein Kucmer

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